Conquer your fears now!

Fighting your Fears
It is almost holiday time! You are walking down the jet-bridge into the aircraft cabin, ready to be whisked off to your dream holiday destination- but all you can think about is whether the plane will crash and the impact of that on the people you will leave behind. But for the embarrassment of turning around and running back to the airport terminal, you drag yourself into your seat, looking out of the window to check that the wings and engines are all where they should be at the same time being resigned to the fact that this might be the end of your life as you know it. Your heart is racing, your knees have gone to jelly and you are about to burst into tears. Oddly though, no one else seems to be that concerned?
If these events feel familiar you may have a phobia- a common psychological condition that is very easily treated. Here, we discuss some common phobias and explain how they come about and how they can be treated.
Read the rest of this article about how to conquer your fears, in my article appearing in May’s edition of the Kings Hill and Malling Mums magazine. Or contact me on for more information and advice! xx