“One More Won’t Hurt”- helping yourself stick to your plans for a healthier you!

Whether it is a chocolate bar, a tiny biscuit or a not so tiny glass of Prosecco this time of year a lot of us will be having competing thoughts such as this. “I said I would go to the gym but I am too tired”, “I said I would leave work at work but I am too snowed under”, “Had I known how hard this would be I would have never agreed to doing it” are some of the stories our minds will tell us to try and derail us from those promises we made to ourselves in January.
So how do our thoughts influence how successful we are with sticking to behaviour change plans? From the widely known ‘Just do it’ to ‘People do not change’, we are likely to fall somewhere along that continuum regarding our beliefs on how easy or not it might be to drop an unhealthy behaviour and pick up a new, healthy one. But does it matter? What your mind tells you about the success or difficulty of changing behaviour will determine whether you succeed or fail.
The good news is that, with the right help and support, you can tune your mind to help you stick to healthy behaviour change. Whether you would like to lose weight, control your drinking, improve your self-esteem, manage difficult relationships at home or work, with the right support you can get your mind to be your friend!
Contact The Mind Umbrella today, to find out how during a free telephone consultation.